Our data hub provides a suite of KYB data services for reliable and accurate business information to ensure the business you are going to onboard is legitimate.
Our automated risk analysis engine quickly identifies potential risks within a B2B relationship, enabling well-informed decisions to process onboarding quickly.
We are continuously expanding our underwriting data while receiving real-time updates from our data partners to ensure you always have the latest verification information.
Establish verification workflows and create risk profiles based on your requirements, ensuring you're only dealing with businesses that meet your risk tolerance levels.
Maintain compliance and meet underwriting regulatory requirements easily with automated workflows and rechecks paired with reporting for regulatory bodies.
Our platform harmonizes and stores all verification results and risk analysis for each businesses profile - enabling you to quickly review and manage case files in one secure platform.
Automated and real-time KYB risk analysis is done in minutes not hours or days. Empowering you to make onboarding decisions easier and faster and accelerate your growth.
Our centralized data orchestration makes it efficient to create custom reporting configurations to extract the exact data your require for intelligence or regulatory bodies.